Plato Project

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Main presentations and published papers by George Sarantitis

Methodology of Mythology

Years of Logic Analysis reveal the hitherto unknown aspect of Platonic and Homeric myths. An incredible factual dimension which was for millennia kept secret from ordinary readers!
MoM 1
The ancient Greek philosophers were introduced to the...

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MoM 2
It is generally accepted that in order to correctly...

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The Continent of Atlantis

Connotatively accurate retranslations of Plato’s TIMAEUS and CRITIAS give new geometric shapes and ultimately the geography of Atlantis as a whole.

The Continent of Atlantis

The hitherto ‘undiscovered’ Continent of Atlantis ...

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The Island of Atlantis

The island at the geometric centre of the Continent of Atlantis...

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Continuous revelations from the concealed information in the Homeric epics divulge the first recorded calendar, practically as accurate as today’s. Also disclosed is the ancient depiction of the Orion constellation.
For first time the accurate description of the Orion’s asterism which differs slightly but in an impressive way from the today picture, refered hidden inside the “Odyssey” with an incredible and astonishing way.

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New information concealed in the text with incredible technique. Through correlation is pinpointed Patroclos’ time of death and the exact dating of the Trojan War. Findings substantiated through use of NASA astronomical charts. (See “Presentations”)

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Key Researches

Connotatively accurate retranslations of Plato’s TIMAEUS and CRITIAS give new geometric shapes and ultimately the geography of Atlantis as a whole. Three different islands by the same name of Atlantis! NOTE: Atlantis never sank! This is the most misleading misconception ever stemming from repeated mistranslations of the ancient text!

The Pillars of Heracles
A test of perceptual reasoning by Plato! Follow his logical progression to where the ancient Greeks knew the Pillars of Hercules to be...

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The Peninsula of Libya and the Journey of Herodotus
Conceptually accurate retranslations provide historical evidence that Libya was once a peninsula! Also by G.S., the precise charting of the route Herodotus took in his travels across northern Africa. Subsequently recent archaeological confirmation of the places he describes...

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The Voyage of Hanno the Carthaginian
Again for the first time, retranslation clarifies the hitherto inexplicable and puzzling journey of Hanno the Navigator...

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The Voyage of Euthymenes of Marseille
Euthymenes of Marseille(ancient Greek Colony) is the least recognized of the Greek seafarers because of the inability, until now, to figure out to where he travelled and wrote about...

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The Three Circunavigations of Africa
Based on ancient references and reports by Greek philosophers and historians, the three best-known olden circumnavigations of Africa are for the first time charted and justified.

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Climatic Conditions in the Age of Atlantis
An analysis of the climatic conditions of the time of Atlantis based on the most up to date authoritative scientific studies of this climatic period...

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Key Researches

The main studies and discoveries derived through deciphering Platonic and Homeric myths from their connotatively accurate retranslation.
Plato Project