The period described by Plato is around 10.400 BC (as he states, eight thousand years before his time). This is exactly the period which, for its own reasons, has been ascribed by current science as the time between the recent two epochs and is characterised by radical climate change and all in its attendance. The Pleistocene Epoch passed to the Holocene Epoch in 10.400 BC!
This age is characterized by rapid melting of glaciers, dissolution of colossal glacial lakes and a particularly rapid rise in ocean and sea levels. The planet’s coastal map literally changed and many plant and animal species gave place to others. Many areas of the globe underwent a change of climate while in Africa, the desert belt moved considerably further north, displacing life more and more northward, eradicating many lakes and rivers in today’s savannah region, with few exceptions, such as Lake Chad, the river Niger etc.
Sea levels, while taking about 12-15000 years to rise 52 metres by the start of the Holocene, suddenly accelerated and within 2.500 -3.000 years rose another 78 metres! Much current climatic information is provided that illustrates the natural state of affairs at that time.
Also provided, is evidence that Plato had in his possession documents describing the Attica* landscape of about 20-25.000 BC. That this is the period of time is deduced from the data of current geological research that was conducted, for other reasons, by Greek scientists. What is truly astounding, is how this graphic environmental portrayal was recorded and subsequently transferred from Egypt to Solon and in the end to Plato. Indeed, this depiction is practically impossible to have been imagined by Solon or Plato and for them to have subsequently put it on record. Besides, neither would have tried to envisage so olden a scene without making a reference to that effect.
*Attica is the province of which Athens is the capital behind its famous citadel, the Acropolis.
Recent scientif geological researches (not for the refered reason) certify that the geomorphical description of Athens “fits” with the Platonic reports but for an era of almost end of Pleistocene!