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F Q & A about Atlantis.
Put to George Sarantitis (last modified March 15, 2014).
Q. Who wrote about Atlantis?
A. Atlantis is indeed one of those famous ‘myths’, shall we say, about which so much has been written by so many, that few remember the name of its original author or, most importantly, who that author was. I say ‘myths’ Plato 427-347 BCreservedly because there’s much more to myths than meets the eye, but we’ll get to that… So, going back to its author, Atlantis was written almost 2.360 years ago by the Greek philosopher-scientist Plato. He wrote about it in two separate books, Timaeus and Critias. Plato was renowned in his time and is considered to be of the greatest thinkers ever. Many believe Atlantis to be a figment of his imagination, written to illustrate a point. But Plato was an arch exponent of rationalism and logic, renowned and acclaimed philosopher-scientist of wide interdisciplinary knowledge and he wrote about Atlantis in the latter part of his life. It was in his last works. So the question is; would one like him, at his age and reputation and in that era, write a work of pure fiction, a fairytale? The logical answer is no. It’s illogical to expect that one under his circumstances would spend time to write such an incredible story solely for philosophical instruction. Would one reasonably expect Einstein or Hawkins for example, to write fairytales as part of their life’s work and especially while approaching the end of it? Besides, Plato’s account of Atlantis contains geographical directions, mathematical descriptions and precise measurements; hardly the stuff of fairy stories. Why he write about it in two separate books?
But for first time and thanks to Methodology of Mythology, there are strong evident that the story is absolutely true.
Q. So where is Atlantis?
A. Considering all translations of Plato references to Atlantis as scientifically inadequate because they repeat the Geomertrical Depiction according Plato’s Descriptionssame basic mistakes, I made a new translation from scratch. Quite a challenge I can tell you. Anyway, it shows clearly that Plato writes of Atlantis as being three places, instead of the one or two (!) hitherto accepted. It is a continent, an island and the famous circular formation of wheels, as he calls them, of land and water which is the city- kingdom of Atlas. The continent is the entire curve of Western Africa, from the Atlas mountain of Algeria in the north, to the west banks of the Niger River’s delta in the south. What Plato calls the ‘island’, is the Atar plateau in Mauritania on which is the circular land formation of Guelb et Richat, also known as the Eye of Africa. They all match Plato’s descriptions. The most extraordinary land feature, of course, is the landform of Richat.
Q. What makes you so sure that Richat is the remnants of the city of Atlantis?
A. As I just mentioned, because Plato describes it. He describes how to get there, what route to take and what one will see when one gets there! Morphologically, Richat matches Plato’s description of Atlantis in orientation, shape and size and in details. But more than this, I had no idea that a place like Richat existed until I was led to it by following his directions! It’s crucially important to keep this in mind. I am talking about the directions and descriptions revealed through the new accurate connotational translations of his two texts on Atlantis. I must emphasize the new translations. I have visited Richat to take measurements. They verify the writings. Let me tell you an anecdote. Arriving on the outside of the rings, there’s an army post. They don’t allow tourists to go in alone and oblige you to take a guide, for as long as you want, from the nearby village of Ouadane. So I did; Heibe by name. Incidentally, Heibe is in the Mauritania pages of a special edition book (ISBN: 978-960-469-322-1) by the Newspaper VIMA that documents UNESCO’s 878 natural and man-made world heritage sites. Anyway, he was driving me to the hub and about to turn off via a route he knew, named after a French researcher who had suggested it. I asked him to go another way. He was reticent and afraid of getting lost but seeing I was adamant, he did. We found the opening that took us in a straight line to the centre. He was amazed and asked me how I knew. Where to begin to explain? That Plato had said so? That I had a 2.300 year old map? For a laugh I told him that from now on, this route must be named ‘The Passage of George the Greek’. I spent two weeks camping. The wind practically never let up. The effects of erosion by water are everywhere evident. I found openings and passages where Plato wrote they would be! There can be no reasonable doubt that Plato was writing about Richat. The sameness is way beyond freakish coincidence. Everything else is supplementary to that reality.
Q. How this research began?
A. Before I answer specifically, I’d like to stress what I mentioned in passing before. I was not out to find Atlantis! It was a serendipitous find, a spinoff of research I was conducting into the truth content of Greek myths. I chose to examine Plato because of who he is and his story of Atlantis because it is fairly compact and its text has survived the centuries intact. So, it was never my intention to find Atlantis. I was out to find what was behind the story, not presuming Atlantis to have been an actual place and bent on locating it. This needs to be made absolutely clear. And because I did not set out to find Atlantis, my finding it makes it all the more certain that Richat is Atlantis. That’s apart from the fact that one can’t deny one’s own eyes… In any case, from an applied science point of view, we are now in a position to know the weather of that time as a consequence of the Milankovitch cycles mainly. The Earth’s movements alter the focus and intensity of the sun’s radiation on it and this result in periodic climate changes. Science today can justify the natural environment of Atlantis that Plato describes and can explain why there is now dryness where there once used to be an abundance of water. Besides, latest scientific research has found vast water deposits under the Sahara sands, veritable fossil seas. The water is still there, it’s just that it migrated underground. From the historical point of view, there are many ancient reports by other credible writers and other writers with seemingly fanciful reports dismissed as fallacious or regarded with suspicion because they didn’t make sense. Now, with new accurate translation, they make perfect sense.
Q: So your discovery of Atlantis and all this new information you mentioned are due to the new translations of the ancient texts?
A: Yes, but it’s not that cut and dried. The discovery of Richat came from following the new information gleaned from the new translations but it was preceded by research on related issues. For example, if I hadn’t been able to establish the Atlantic Pelagos 1 and where the Pillars of Heracles were, I wouldn’t have had a reference point, a starting point and so I wouldn’t’ have found Richat. Remember, I had no clue such a place existed. Whoever starts off with the presumption that the Pillars of Herakles are Gibraltar ends up totally at sea… pardon the pun. Anyway, the Pillars were one of the related historical researches I conducted. My approach to everything was to make an absolutely accurate connotative translation of whichever ancient text was relevant. In other words, to make sound historical documentations of the various issues and there are plenty of them. It is the correlation of all these translations that has produced this wealth of knowledge. For example:
a) For the first time ever, the actual position of the Pillars of Herakles I just mentioned was determined by following Plato’s information and subsequently, substantiation was found in the texts of many others writers.
b) Again for the first time, Libya was found to have been a peninsula, not simply a land with a coast. This turned out after noticing and correctly interpreting a single mistranslated word from Herodotus’ texts!
c) From historical references, mostly by Herodotus, the so called Father of History, I was able to accurately figure out the dimensions of Europe, Asia and Libya of the time.
Moreover and again for the first time ever, several hitherto unexplainable ancient reports are explained. For example,
1) The three known ancient reports of circumnavigations of Africa or, as it turns out, navigations in Africa.
2) A report of a colonization of Libya, a sea journey that was considered nonsensical. Now, knowing what we know, it makes perfect sense.
3) Also clarified, was what was considered to be an unbelievable, literally not to be believed, report of an ancient maritime explorer, Euthymenes of Marseilles. 2600 years later he is vindicated, making him comparable to another great Greek explorer, Pytheas, also of Marseilles. That’s a first too.
4) Herodotus, who I mentioned before, made a record of his own trip inside Libya. I fairly accurately charted the route he took, from which many new and useful conclusions can be drawn. Significantly, he stopped to return to base just short of the Atlantians, as he writes… His entire trip in the Libya of that time as far as today’s Mali, was mapped by following his descriptions. In fact, one of his lasts stops, that at the Garamantes people, has been confirmed by archaeological digs.
These are some of the historical documentations in evidence of my finding. On the scientific side, I cite the most up-to-date climatology studies that explain the presence of surface water before and desertification now. Oh, and archaeoastronomy also came into play. What’s more, my research led me to find that Greek mythology is governed by norms and axioms (!) for extracting the factual information it contains. It shows that beyond the entertainment and educational value in the fiction, mythology was an ultimate form of scientific writing, laid out in a specific way and for several reasons. There’s loads more knowledge to be found. What I’ve told you so far are but some of the many items of information which can’t be adequately simply presented here. So to go back to the core of your question, yes… all the new information and discoveries and those yet to come, stem from accurate translations but one needs to analyse whatever new information they reveal with and interdisciplinary approach. In other words you need to analyse the literature scientifically.
Q. How come nobody else before you made the connection?
A. Many came close. As mentioned, Richat is so large and essentially featureless when viewed from the ground. It is only observable from very high up. No one in recorded history knew of it before the first astronauts spotted it from orbit in 1964! No one after Plato, that is. Furthermore, it lies in arid country, not in concurrence with Plato’s description of it having water everywhere. Earlier researchers did not have today’s scientific knowledge and technology to make the connection. But most importantly, everyone was working with wrong translations of Plato’s original text! The first English translations, for example, were made by scholars of the arts and humanities. They rendered fine literary translations that conveyed the basic storyline but were off as to their rendering the scientific content of the original ancient Greek. Even if they knew Ancient Greek like their mother tongue, which they didn’t, the issue of Mythology is too intricate a case for such rudimentary explanations of Platonic concepts. In the end, they missed the details that make the difference. What’s more, these gentlemen were unfamiliar with manifestations of liquefaction and tsunamis as a result of earthquakes. Global warming was an unknown concept, never mind its technicalities. It was counterintuitive to think of the Sahara as being wet once. They didn’t have the knowledge of so many sunken cities that have been found today around the world so as to wonder and ponder about sea levels. This is all quite understandable since they, as others before them like the Romans for example, were limited by the knowledge of their time and also ‘victim’ to time-honoured but dogmatically entrenched preconceptions, of which foremost was and unjustifiably continues to be, that Gibraltar is the Pillar of Heracles mentioned by Plato and other ancient Greek writers. When these otherwise knowledgeable non-Greeks translated Atlantis, Troy and Knossos had still to be discovered and were considered mythical. Who knew, before I retranslated Herodotus to support my find, that Libya was a peninsula? Who sat to scientifically study his personal excursion in northern Africa and chart his route? Who knew the length of Libya, Asia and Europe of that time? Who knew that the Pillars of Herakles were at Gabes and not at Gibraltar? Few knew that Africa was full of rivers, lakes and seas in places where today it is arid and semi arid. As it was, their translations were considered for the most part definitive and ‘touched up’ by later translators who had basic, little or no knowledge of the Greek language, ancient or modern. Not to mention of science. We, now, in the early 21st century, have access to a wealth of knowledge or to those who possess the relevant information we seek. We have a spaceman’s view from the comfort of our chair and information is a mouse-click or touch-screen away; literally in the palm of our hand, with smart phones and tablets. Nobody before had access to all the ancient writers gathered in one place as we do in our laptops. Nobody before had these capabilities so as to be able to put two and two together. To sum up, no one before had the necessary gumption, knowledge and resources. No one before had made a so meticulous translation of Plato writings on Atlantis and applied an interdisciplinary scientific approach to their analysis based on today’s scientific knowledge facilitated by today’s digital technology. I think I’ve already mentioned interdisciplinary approach…
Q. How did you arrive at this discovery?
A. As mentioned earlier, Plato led me there. But it was truly circuitous. I remind you that my finding Richat was unintentional. I hadn’t even heard of the Eye of Africa. I have an ongoing research project into locating truths in Greek myths. The fortuitous discovery of Richat-Atlantis has given it impetus, yielding amazing results; but that’s another story. To get back to your question, in the course of my research into Greek myths, I became dubious as to the accuracy of existing translations, suspecting them to be lacking and misleading. Although Atlantis is not a myth as conventionally understood, seeing that it has no supernatural beings and magical goings on, I chose this account on which to test my reservations because A) I am a fan of Plato B) The story of Atlantis is fairly compact and its text has survived the centuries intact C) It has incredible descriptions with hyperbolic elements, D) it contains mathematical and geometrical data E) as I’ve said, I simply couldn’t reconcile Plato to writing a tall tale, so I expected that there was information in his writings that had yet to be revealed and evaluated. For these reasons and because I am pro scientism and its methodologies, I decided to make my own translation from scratch. Accordingly, I spent over 4000 grueling hours re-translating Plato’s original texts, paying and working with Greek Philologists to render the Ancient into Current Greek. We approached the translation anew, going over the original 700 or so lines that refer to Atlantis word by word and phrase by phrase, in order to conclude on the correct connotation and get the right meaning. Only a passionate enthusiast or barmy hobbyist would focus so much effort, time and money since it’s uneconomical. The translation of the ancient text alone took me in total, alone and with supprt) 3 years! However, this great effort I put into correctly interpreting Plato’s writings, started off showing an incredibly deliberate structuring of the text in a way that gives laws and axioms which were applied with completely predictable success to the rest of the text, disclosing further laws and axioms, a total of 12 οf the one and 12 of the other! Plato created an inimitable intellectual masterpiece by which to ‘dress’ the true story of Atlantis.
In any case, the new translation revealed images hitherto unidentified, leading me to make various calculations and come up with various geometric shapes. At some point, curious, I thought of transferring this information to reality to see what I would get. By reality, I mean with Google Earth in the beginning, the pro version. I came across the Richat structure to within a mere 80kms. I say mere in relation to the huge distances involved, thousands of kilometres and not absolutely secure starting point of the edges. In the light of recent information, on taking measurement from the correct southern point, Plato was spot on! Just so you have a measure, the small island of Atlantis on which is the kingdom of Atlas, is in the centre as to the breadth and width of the Continent of Atlantis or else, the entire curve of Western Africa, from the foothills of the Atlas mountains in Algeria in the north to the Niger delta in the south, a length of 5,400 km Exactly as Plato describes it, and without him having the benefit of a spacecraft or GPS or GoogleEarth or today’s’ maps!
Anyway, to go back to my first finding Richat, to say that I was gobsmacked would be putting it mildly. It was as if time stood still at that moment of my finding. I experienced similar excitement several times in the course of my research until it became routine, as the various dimensions and features described by Plato in his writings found their counterpart at Richat. For instance, Plato refers to two canals while so far it was accepted that there was only one in existing translations. As mentioned earlier, he refers to three different places with the name Atlantis but it was considered that Atlantis was one, the circular city. So, the writings match reality or should I say vice versa? As I repeat to the point of becoming tiresome, I had no idea that a place like Richat existed. I stress this at every turn to highlight the fact that I found it by following the information revealed by the new translation, to see where it would take me. Putting it differently, I had no previous knowledge of Richat so as to try to ‘match’ it to Plato’s writings, as others have attempted to do with various, in their opinion, candidate places. Like a map, Plato’s writings led me to Richat. The translation was the key to the discovery. With these same accurate translations, the Pillars of Heracles are also re-positioned.
Q. Richat is on land and in desert country. But the environment of Atlantis is described as being full of water.
A. Indeed, that’s why I mentioned it before, in passing. The story and specifically the catastrophic end of Atlantis (city state) are set around 10.000 years ago which is at the end of the last Ice Age. There was plenty of water from the melting glaciers. Sea levels rose considerably. There are stories of huge floods in the myths of peoples around the globe. There are findings that support there having been much water all over Northern Africa and the Sahara. There are rock paintings in the Sahara that depict swimmers. Fossils of aquatic life have been found. As NASA today looks at Mars and identifies great ancient watercourses, similar ancient riverbeds are all over Northern Africa, rivers that would make today’s largest seem like streams. That there was water there and lots of it is scientifically acknowledged. Today, as in Plato’s time, whatever water there is, is seasonal or diminishing. For example, the surface area of Lake Chad in just five decades has shrunk by almost 95 %! Similarly, Lake Faguibine in Mali dried up within fifty years. Desertification there began as recently as 500 BC. The size of these lakes 10.000 years ago can be logically surmised. They were vast! Even today, water appears periodically at Richat. As recently as this year, a research team from the British Geological Survey and the Department of Geography of the University College of London, declared that there are vast water reservoirs under the Sahara; literally, underground seas. Not unexpectedly, they are where Plato, amongst others, says there once used to be seas!
Q. It is held that Atlantis sank into the ocean.
A. Two fallacious assumptions here. That it “sank” and “into an ocean”. Firstly, the new accurate translation shows that Atlantis (a small island, not the continent) was inundated by flooding. The translation’s error is blatantly obvious. No translator bothered to examine this interpretation in the past couple of centuries! The continent of Atlantis did not physically sink to a lower level! Regardless of the information gleaned from the new translation of Plato’s Atlantis, no self-respecting geologist would assert that it’s possible for a landmass that size to vanish without a trace in just a few millennia, a click of a finger in geological time. It’s impossible and it’s ludicrous to believe such a thing.
So although the end result was that Atlantis, the island, did indeed end up under water, the mechanics were different. Water rose to cover it. Secondly, the word ‘ocean’ as translated in just about all English (and other, even Modern Greek) renditions is entirely misleading. Not once does Plato mention the word ‘ocean’ in his texts! I repeat, not once does he use the word ‘ocean’! He was fully aware of what an ocean is. It’s a Greek word, after all… He has used it in other of his writings. So he knew the difference between an ocean and other of bodies of water. As to Atlantis, he refers to several characteristic types of sea but never the ‘ocean’. Allow me a short Greek lesson. In English there is the Atlantic Ocean and then there is the Mediterranean Sea, the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea. In Greek it is the Atlantikos Okeanos, the Mediterranean Thalassa, the Aegean Pelagos and the Euxinos Pontos. There is no corresponding terminology in definition of bodies of seawater in Latin or English or any other major modern language I am aware of. The term ‘archipelago’ stems from the Greek. The terms Plato employs in definition of seas have passed into the Greek vernacular and used today, so it would need a Greek and a seaman to boot, to make the distinction as to their properties although the perfect meaning has been forgotten. These two misconceptions, that Atlantis sank and into an ocean (as well as the fallacy that the Pillars of Heracles were at the strait of Gibraltar), have arisen from possibly the three most misleading mistranslations of Plato’s writings.
The original location of the Pillars was changed because of another identified historical inaccuracy. Confusing translations send ‘researchers’ looking all over the globe to find Atlantis at the most unlikely locations, for example, at Antarctica or Mesoamerica, or Indonesia or, more popularly, in the Atlantic. It is unacceptably arbitrary for Plato’s various terms in reference to seas to be lumped as the Atlantic Ocean. It’s a grave mistake that’s repeated over and over, time and time again by ‘authorities’ on the subject. Quite readily in books and documentaries they misquote Plato as meaning the Atlantic Ocean. They read what’s not there and disseminate misinformation. Similarly, they arbitrarily substitute his Pillars of Heracles with Gibraltar, a toponym given tenths of centuries after Plato’s time. There are translations where his Pillars of Heracles are actually substituted by the name Gibraltar! Can you believe that?! Some translators are misleading the researchers, clearly never having gone to the trouble of examining exactly what it is that Plato writes, instead reading what they want to read, or repeating what they’ve heard!
Q. Conventional archaeology-anthropology states that settled organised civilisations did not exist at that time and societies were nomadic bands of hunter-gatherers with little if any technological know-how.
A. Probably in most cases but not exclusively. Fairly recent discoveries such as Gobekli Tepe and others disprove this premise. Megalithic sites abound. To build these structures presupposes established and organised societies. Fish traps from that time have been found and fisher folk don’t stray far from the fish. In Southern Africa there are traces of permanent communities of an even much earlier date. Even the Pyramids and Mesoamerican buildings suggest knowledgeable civilizations that go far back in time. All of these findings, amongst others, are forcing historical revaluations, albeit slowly. The announcement of Atlantis as an actual place is bound to change many things.
Q. What are you aiming to achieve?
To advance knowledge, of course, and also to recoup my mental investment! As mentioned, I have put in a lot of time, money and effort in translation, research and travel to substantiate my discovery. I am so certain of the accuracy of my translations, that on my website I had put up a reward of €100.000 to anyone who could prove them wrong. I’m not one for betting but I did it as a means to keep away “scientists” who would like to dispute without proves my translations, and to thwart potential plagiarists and intellectual thieves. Anyhow, I received only confirmations as to their accuracy. I self published hundreds of books which I distributed to relevant scholars and scientists for their feedback. The response was entirety positive, I must say. Regrettably, the issue of Atlantis has been subjected to misrepresentation, sensationalism and commercialism. Cartoons, creative writing, speculative documentaries and fiction films have relegated Atlantis to the realm of creative writing and science fiction, pseudoscience, at best. It is swamped in speculation and silliness. There are so many books on Atlantis which alone proves that no one knows for sure. Ask for the ‘best 50 books on Atlantis’ on the internet and see what you get… Best..?! They are all misled and misleading because they rely on wrong translations of Plato’s writings. They are all speculative, taking a lot for granted. Like Trekkies, there are Atlantomaniacs. A host of wannabe discoverers make claims and formulate theories that are all too often absurd, mainly because they ignore the source, Plato and what he actually wrote. All this play-at has so overdone the matter that there’s hardly any motivation for serious consideration. This is my first serious effort to get my book internationally published. Attempts at convincing a part of the academic community as to the reality, have shown that there are ‘experts’ unwilling to concede to ‘non-experts’ on their turf. Having said that, interestingly enough, Troy was discovered by a ‘non expert’ as were many other findings made by adventurers, fortune hunters and amateur archaeologists. In fact, archaeology as a scientific discipline is relatively recent. I, at least, am a scientist and a sailor and a Greek native speaker. Unlike many ‘experts’ entrenched in their field, I was able to apply exactly the interdisciplinary approach needed to make a discovery like this possible… and serendipitously so, I add once more. In any case, the subject of Atlantis is taboo in ‘serious’ academic circles because it carries the risk of ridicule. I mean, no self-respecting scientist would waste his time with a fairytale now, would they, which relegates Plato to the status of a non self-respecting scientist..! There’s none so blind as those who will not see. What I hope to achieve is to raise capital to conduct a research in the field by bringing specialists of archaeology, so the indisputable evidence can materialise to proof. I’ve met and spoken with Mauritanian authorities about these plans. I -simply- delayed to take action, due to the economical problems in Greece which have affect strongly also my economy.
Q. Where would you search and what do you expect to uncover?
A. Atlantis is the name by which Plato refers to a continent, an island and an island city-state, the latter being the concentric wheel system of Richat, at the hub of which Plato says was the citadel with the most magnificent buildings. So as not to complicate the issue, I have thus far referred only to Richat as the site of Atlantis since it is the most characteristic land feature. Consequently, the most logical starting point for investigation would be at its centre, at that rectangular land formation which geologically shouldn’t be there; a rectangle in the centre of circles! As to my expectations, my research into myths has found that the ancient mythmakers routinely combined nonfiction with fabrication in their writings. For reasons not relevant to go into at this point, they wrote in circumlocution when conveying data and used hyperbole to jazz up their stories. I would be surprised if riches such as Plato portrays are unearthed. So there may not be golden temples but there should be manmade constructions or just processed stones. Plato says that the buildings had a ‘barbaric’ look about them. On the other hand, I would be extremely surprised if there was nothing at all. Plato refers to highly regarded personalities as keepers and conveyors of the story, one of them being his relative Solon, one of the revered seven sages of the ancient world. It’s unthinkable that Plato would present him especially, of all people, as a deceiver, a common liar. But even if there is nothing substantial given the nature of the utter catastrophe as described by Plato and the ravage of so much time, it does not change the reality that Guelb et Richat and Plato’s descriptions match. Which raises the question, how did the story survive the millennia to reach Plato? Generally speaking, I expect to have questions answered that lead to more questions. In any case, I expect whatever ruins are there, to be about 10-20 metres under sand and sediment. A tsounami by itself raises a lot of mud and covers the remains from its distraction. I also mentioned earlier that all the time I was there researching, it hardly stopped blowing. So, add erosion into the equation and the sand shifted and trapped in hollows by the wind and you get an idea. Of course, the largest part of Plato’s spectacular descriptions are exaggerated as a fault story combined within the true story, and according the Methodology of Mythology which is not used in my book for farther analysis.
Q. Supposing buildings and artefacts are found. Then what?
A. The mind boggles. Imagine the headline “Atlantis Found”! As a consequence of the findings of a long bygone civilization, all relevant ancient history and historical reference books will need to be revised with the new translation. What if these buildings or rocks have inscriptions, like those of ancient Egypt or elswhere? This world storming discovery will turn history on its head and raise issues that will fuel more quests for decades to come. Many ancient translations will require reappraisal with who knows what new information being disclosed. New books, new discoveries. Yesterday it was Troy, today Atlantis, tomorrow who knows? But I’m getting carried away.
What I will say however, is that my ongoing research into the truth content of Myths and specifically looking at Homer’s The Odyssey has thus far revealed a host of incredible findings; and I’ve not finish it yet. I was a member of a scientific research team together with professors from the universities of Patras and Athens where we found the precise date Homer’s Troy was razed.
Q. Aren’t you afraid that somebody might try take over your finding?
A. I’ve thought of that. There have been attempts. But you see, this issue of Atlantis is extreme complicate and contains many new discoveries which are bounded each-other. I have published and copyrighted my book and my translations of the ancient texts. Everything hinges around them. Not just the accurate connotational translation of Plato, but also of Herodotus, Strabo, Aristotle and a host of other ancient writers who lend substantiation to my findings. There are many people, scientist of repute, who have seen my work. I have announced most of these discoveries at International conferences and meetings. It looks impossible that someone will copy the story ignoring all this net of new information and discoveries, some of them not known widely but with reserved rights.
Q. Supposing no proof is found. What about the money and reputation on the line of whoever supports or publishes you?
A. As I keep stressing, to possibly the point of sounding repetitive, the concurrence of Plato’s portrayal of Atlantis and the Geo-morphology of Richat is such as to mean only one thing. That Richat and Atlantis are one and the same! This is a fact, indisputable. That’s enough for announcing that the site of Atlantis has been found. And that’s what I’m doing. Whatever has been written on Atlantis, all previous hypotheses, theories, speculations, propositions are meaningless because they are based on wrong translations..! Scientifically, they are worthless. This book will supplant all others! My work is historical research and scientific confirmation of the apparent. There is no speculation and assumption. The few related hypotheses I put forward are based on solid ground, on strong evidence and logic; on common sense. There’s a lot of information in my book. It is a book to spawn more books, presentations, documentaries, films. It interests scholars, students and scientists and the many, many enthusiasts or just plain curious who ever wondered about Atlantis or will be made to wonder about it now, to wonder as to our roots, the roots of civilization. The book contains the accurate translations, data and analyses and is not casual reading but it is written comprehensibly enough for the serious layman. At last estimate, over 60,000 articles, books, documentaries, films etc have been inspired by Atlantis. So, it seems, the interest and the public are there! I have given 7 years to research and spent a small fortune. I’m neither so rich, nor so romantic, nor have so much time on my hands so as to choose a fantasy for a pastime. I have probably the next most important nonfiction book. Logically, there’s profit to be made, immediate and in the future. But most important, for me, is that knowledge will profit as a host of new questions will require answers. A multitude of time-honoured conventions will
require re-evaluation, from scratch. I will be there. As for reputations, I have put mine on the line many times and willing to do it again. I expect to. There is no question that Plato was writing about Richat! I’m ready to face anything that’s thrown at me because I’m telling the truth. It’s others who should be concerned about their reputation, all those who base their work on inaccurate sources, many interested in making a fast buck out of nothing. Don’t get me wrong. Of course there are good intentioned attempts but they’re based on wrong data. So, to get back to your question in short answer, I present a substantiated watertight case on a stupendous issue. I am a researcher who wrote a scientific document that demystifies a long-time mystery. What I claim exists. As I said, my book will supplant all others as the definitive one on Plato’s Atlantis. I stress, Plato’s Atlantis… not xyz’s Atlantis. I see nothing on the line. It will lead to many other things. Like after Columbus, who started off on expedition to circumnavigate the earth at a time when nobody was a hundred percent certain as to whether the Earth was spherical and ended up unexpectedly finding a continent on which civilization flourished. The same will occur now. A new continent will be identified that nobody had even suspected and on it, the hitherto known oldest civilization.